Ballet Boot Camp Pilot

I received a lot of good feedback from my proposal for a ballet boot camp and some really great suggestions and offers of help from all parts of the country and beyond.

To test the concept we decided to try a one day pilot locally.  When I went for my weekly class and rehearsal with KNT this evening, I asked Karen Sant whether she or one or more of her staff could put us through our paces continuously from 10:00 in the morning to 16:00 with an hour for lunch and several short breaks to catch our breath.

"We will start up with a small group", I said to her.  "Between 6 and 10 so that you can correct us when we go wrong.  The object is to master things that we should have picked up by now and to iron out bad habits."

Karen returned a quizzical glance as if to ask "Are you serious?"  And to warn: "Be careful of what you ask for."

"Oh yes" she said "I am sure we can help you.  You tell me when you want it."

So now it is up to us. Would those who want to do this course get in touch.  Let me know when would suit them best.    If we do it at Northern Ballet School we could probably do it any Saturday.  If it works we shall try a residential course in a pretty part of the country.


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